Saturday, 24 March 2012

Remembering Michael Jackson

We all remember the king of pop….michael jackson. He was an amazing artist with 17 number one singles in the united states and produced the best selling album of all time and has sold over 750 million records making him the worlds best selling artist.

His career started with him and his 4 older brothers. They were called ” The Jackson 5″. Later on he broke away from his brothers and started his own career. He was a huge sucess coming out with lots of different albums and number one songs such as:
1972: ” Ben” (1 week)
1979: ” Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough” (1 week)
1980: ” Rock with You” (4 weeks)
1983: ” Billie Jean” (7 weeks)
1983: ” Beat It” (3 weeks)
1983: ” Say Say Say” (6 weeks)
1985: ” We Are The World” (4 weeks)
1987: ” Bad” (2 weeks)
1987: ” The Way You Make Me Feel” (1 week)
1987: “I Just Can’t Stop Loving You
1988: ” Man in the Mirror” (2 weeks)
1988: ” Dirty Diana” (1 week)
1991: ” Black or White” (7 weeks)
1995: ” You Are Not Alone” (1 week)

He was also known for his dance moves, for eample the moonwalk, his clothing, which made a big fashion statement, and his plastic surgery. The singer only ever admitted to two nose jobs and blamed his progressively paler skin on the condition vitiligo. He had undergone multiple nasal surgeries, a forehead lift, thinned lips and a cheekbone surgery.
In 1979, Jackson had his first rhinoplasty after breaking his nose during a complex dance routine. However, the surgery was not a complete success, and he complained of breathing difficulties that would affect his career. He also had a dimple created in his chin. He was alway covering his face with clothes when he went out in public because people would criticized him so much.

Even though he was the best selling album of all time under his belt, some people still didn’t like him. Why, you ask? Michael Jackson was accused of being a child molester and horrilbe father. He dangled his baby from a balcony in front of everyone. It was all over the news, magazines, everywhere. Ofcourse he denied being a child molester and in my opinion, i think he was telling the truth. Michael loved children. He had a whole house dedicated to them (Neverland). He was a loving father and took care of his kids. I think he was a great person who was nice to everybody. I dont think he would ever intentionally hurt anybody, especially a child.

But all stories have an end. We all remember that horrible June say when they said Michael Jackson the King of Pop was dead. Millions of people mourned his death. They even came out with a movie in honor of his life. He had an amazing life and we will all miss him.